How to Configure an Email Account in IncrediMail

IncrediMail is an email desktop program. By using a program such as this, you can access all your email accounts in one place. This is a tutorial to show you how to setup an email account in IncrediMail. The first step is to create the email account in your hosting cPanel. If you need some assistance with this, see the tutorial called, "How to Create a POP Email Account". Now we need to open up the IncrediMail program. From the menu at the top, select and click on Tools. This will open a drop-down menu, at the bottom click on Accounts.

The Mail Accounts window will appear. Click on the Add button on the right hand side. This will open the Account Wizard. There are two options given, one is to automatically configure or the other is to Let me Configure settings myself. Check the radio button in front of Let me configure settings myself, then click Next at the bottom of the box.

The following screen is for your name and email address. In the first box, enter the name as you would like it to appear in the FROM field of outgoing emails. In the second box, enter your entire new email address - the address others use to send email to you. For example: When this is complete, click on Next.

The next screen deals with Incoming and Outgoing mail servers. You will need to enter your Incoming (POP3) and Outgoing (SMTP) mail server names. These server names will have been provided to you in your welcome email, they are "" without the quotes, and with the being whatever your domain name actually is. (Example: domain is, then the mail server is Back to the the drop-down at the top, select POP3 for server type. Then in the first box type your Incoming server name, and in the second box type the name of your Outgoing server. When you are done, click on Next.

This will bring up the Username and Password screen. On the top line enter the email username. It is the entire email address. On the second line enter your email password. Then click Finish to be taken to the Congratulations screen. Click OK. This sends you back to the Mail Accounts window, which is now showing your email account you just setup. There is one more step to complete.

Click on the Properties button, on the right-hand side. Then click on the Servers tab. At the bottom, make sure the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Authentication box is checked. The box reads "My server requires authentication". SMTP Authentication means that IncrediMail will logon to your mail server even when sending mail, in order to make sure that you are the only one that can send emails from this account. Now click on the More Settings button. This pop-up is looking for your logon information for authentication. Most SMTP servers use the same username and password as the Incoming servers, so check that radio button, and click OK. Then click OK again. This takes you back again to the Mail Accounts window, where your account is successfully listed, and ready to receive and send emails using IncrediMail. Click the Close button.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup an account in IncrediMail. Remember, you must first create the account in your hosting cPanel, in order for the email account to work.

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