Rapidleech, Torrenflux, rutorrent auto Installer + Lighttpd – PHP – MySQL | Debian 6 32bit

Hello All,

I recreated NginX Auto Installer script for Lighttpd Mini Installer + Rapidleech and Torrentflux + rTorrent 0.8.6 + RuTorrent 3.4 for debian 6 32bit

For the sources, i took em from here
Lighttpd 1.4.31: http://www.lighttpd.net/download
PHP 5.3.18: http://php.net/downloads.php
MySQL 5.1.66: http://www.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html
Rapidleech 4.1: http://www.rapidleech.com
Torrentflux 2.4: http://sourceforge.net/projects/torrentflux
rTorrent 0.8.6 + RuTorrent 3.4 http://code.google.com/p/rutorrent

Download the script from here: https://repo.regolithmedia.com/Lighty_RL_TF_mini_installer.zip
unzip Lighty_RL_TF_mini_installer.zip
chmod +x lighty.sh nambah.sh
Run ./lighty.sh and follow the instruction, then wait until the process is complete
If you want to add domain and Rapidleech, Torrentflux, or rTorrent + RuTorrent please run ./nambah.sh

IP Directory: /usr/html

So why Lighttpd? For Rapidleech, Torrentflux, or rTorrent + RuTorrent i assume that we shouldn’t be too worried about lighty’s memory leak, also initial memory usage is lower than Engine-X so for Rapidleech or Torrentflux activity with personal low end box can be more optimized.

– NginX Auto Installer
– Lighttpd, PHP, MySQL, Rapidleech, TorrentFlux, rTorrent, RuTorrent
– W3 & Hosting Stuff Kaskus
– G006L3

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